90-minute workout

Working brings out the best of you. People workout to get fit and look good and for mental peace. Now, more than ever, people have realised the importance of working out. They now understand that physical exertion is much more than looking a particular way.

We saw desperate times when the world suffered from a life crisis and had lost all fate. For example, when we were hit by the pandemic and had no cure as such, during that time also, the best treatment for it was physical exercise that got the body strong mentally and physically.

While workouts can help you lower your stress levels, stress, if not taken care of, can be a reason for lower energy levels. So if you have less energy, it will also affect your motivation, and you will not have the desired workout. We want to motivate you the right way so you understand that what you are willing to do is challenging and that you are aware of your body’s limits. This way, a person can steer his way to his fitness journey with patience and being kind to oneself.

Here is the best 90- minute workout of  Fit Club Amersham, which will test your limits but, in the end, will leave you feeling satisfied and accomplished. If you like bodyweight exercises and training for such long durations, you can go for this 90-minute workout.

Best Workouts In 90-minutes

Best Workouts In 90-minutes

 Fit Club Amersham has prepared this 90-minute workout, keeping in mind that the intensity of it is maintained without making the exercise boring. The plan will combine various workouts for the best results; it has core strength work, HIIT, kickboxing, strength training, a little bit of pilates, and cardio.

Warm-ups are an integral part of any workout; they ensure you have no injury and perform the whole circuit properly. So we have a little warm-up as well as cool-down exercise included. A 90-minute workout aims to burn 1000 calories, but the intensity of it is not much. You can efficiently perform this workout and accomplish the goal of burning a whole lot of calories because exercises with a more extended period are to be done with less intensity to carry on with uniform energy throughout the workout.

You can manage the intensity depending on the capacity of your body. Because if you are a beginner or a pro, both can do this workout. The body knows what is best for you, so listen to it and make the necessary adjustments during the whole routine. 

However, we expect this workout to take around 1000 calories, so you should fully recover from your previous workout and be well rested.

Best 90-minute Workout

 1. Warm-up

Warm up_90-minute workout

Start by doing a little warm up. You can do it according to the fitness level of your body. For instance, you can perform 3 sets of jumping jacks, or if you are fit, you can do burpees. But remember to do moderate exercise for your warmup.



HIIT(High-Intensity Interval Training) is an intense form of workout that is for the whole body. You can also do HIIT to hit a particular body part because it builds fast twitch muscles and burns fat. If you want to develop explosive strength, this is the best workout for you. In addition, it is good to boost your blood sugar level, boost your metabolism and increase endurance in your body.

3. Total Body Strength

Total Body Strength_90-minute workout

Choosing workouts that hit all body parts of your body is crucial for you to improve your overall health. For example, why should you do a total body strength workout? It is good to improve bone density, build muscle, boost your metabolism, bone health increases, body control, and mechanics become better and keep the mood fresh.

4. Cardio Kickboxing

Cardio Kickboxing

Cardio kickboxing is good for improving your cardiovascular health and endurance. In addition, it will help you bring coordination to your body, a stronger core, and increased speed.

5. Pilates

Pilates_90-minute workout

Pilates is very good for you if you want to achieve better control of body mechanics; it is suitable for building a solid foundation as it increases strength through flexibility and different range of motion.

 6. Core Strength

Core Strength

Core strength is vital for your body to perform various tasks. So the more robust the core, the better. You can do these exercises for your lower back, oblique, and abs. The lower back will become more dynamic and help with functional movements that will help perform other exercises better.

How To Do 

Warm Up

Duration- 30 seconds each


Duration– 20 seconds, 2 sets each and 10 seconds rest in-between, total 6 min.



Duration– 30 seconds, 2 sets each and 10 seconds rest in-between, total 6 min.

How To Do_90-minute workout

Total Body Strength

Duration-45 seconds, 2 sets each and 15 seconds rest in-between, total 32 min.

Core Strength

Duration-45 seconds, 15 seconds rest in-between, total 8 min.

Cool Down & Stretch

Why Learn a 90-minute workout at Fit Club Amersham?

The body type of every person differs, so the same exercise, when done by different people, must be customised accordingly. Our Personal trainers in Amersham realise that and have helped people reach their fitness goals by monitoring their workouts under close supervision. As a result, you can perform different exercises at fit club Amersham, like pilates, HIIT, and spin.

So what are you waiting for? Trample your way to fitness at Fit Club Amersham! Contact us at 01494 432088 or email info@fitclubamersham.co.uk to get started.

Start your fitness journey today by reaching us here!