5-Day Dumbbell Workout to Tone and Strengthen Your Arms | Fit Club AMersham

Looking to tone and strengthen your arms? This 5-day dumbbell workout designed by your fitness instructor at Fit Club Amersham is perfect for you! The exercises in this routine are designed to target all of the muscles in your arms, so you can see results fast. All you need is a set of dumbbells and about 30 minutes per day to complete this workout. Let’s get started!

Day One

Warm up with some light cardio and then do three sets of ten to twelve reps of the following exercises:


  • Seated dumbbell press
  • Standing bent-over row
  • Lying triceps extensions
  • Hammer curls



Repeat the same workout as day one, but increase the weight for each exercise by five to ten pounds.  For example, if you were using 20-pound dumbbells on day one, use 25-pound dumbbells on day two. If you don’t have access to heavier weights, simply perform more reps instead. The goal is to challenge your muscles so they continue to grow stronger.



Take a rest day or do some light cardio. This will help your muscles recover from the previous two days of workouts and prepare them for the next two days.



Repeat the same workout as day two, but increase the weight for each exercise by five to ten pounds. 


Do a circuit training workout including exercises such as squats, lunges, pushups, and crunches. This full-body routine will help you burn fat and build muscle all over. Be sure to challenge yourself with heavier weights or more reps than you did on day four.

There you have it! A simple yet effective 5-day dumbbell workout to tone and strengthen your arms. Remember to focus on form first and foremost, and don’t be afraid


WARMUP: 5 minutes of light cardio

Exercise Sets Reps

Seated dumbbell press       5        12-15   (Use challenging weight)

Standing bent-over row     5        12-15    (Use challenging weight)

Lying triceps extensions  5        12-15    (Use challenging weight)

Hammer curls              5        12-15    (Use challenging weight)


Day 5: Circuit Training Workout 1

Warmup: 5 minutes of light cardio

Exercise Sets Reps


Squats                    5        15-20    (Use challenging weight)

Lunges                    5        15-20    (Use challenging weight)

Pushups                   5        15-20       (Use challenging weight)   //Or try doing them on your toes for an extra challenge!

Crunches                  5        20         (Bodyweight only)      //Add a weighted vest or hold a medicine ball to make this exercise more challenging.

Warmup: 5 minutes of light cardio

Warmup: 5 minutes of light cardio

Exercise Sets Reps

Squats                    5        15-20    (Use challenging weight)

Lunges                    5        15-20    (Use challenging weight)

Pushups                   5        15-20       (Use challenging weight)   //Or try doing them on your toes for an extra challenge!

Crunches                  5        20         (Bodyweight only)      //Add a weighted vest or hold a medicine ball to make this exercise more challenging.

Warmup: 5 minutes of light cardio

Warmup: 5 minutes of light cardio

Exercise Sets Reps

Seated dumbbell press       5        12-15   (Use challenging weight)

Standing bent-over row     5        12-15    (Use challenging weight)

Lying triceps extensions  5        12-15    (Use challenging weight)

Hammer curls              5        12-15    (Use challenging weight)

Day 5: Circuit Training Workout 2

Warmup: 5 minutes of light cardio

Exercise Sets Rep 


Squats                    5        15-20    (Use challenging weight)

Lunges                    5        15-20    (Use challenging weight)

Pushups                   5        15-20       (Use challenging weight)   //Or try doing them on your toes for an extra challenge! 

Crunches                  5        20         (Bodyweight only)      //Add a weighted vest or hold a medicine ball to make this exercise more challenging. 

At Fit Club Amersham, we have all the equipment you need to follow this 5-day dumbbell workout to transform your Physique. We also offer circuit training workouts that will help you tone and strengthen your arms even further. Be sure to warm up before each workout, and increase the weight gradually so that you don’t injure yourself. Have fun and stay fit! We can help you get back in shape with our 1:1 training programs and group exercises classes in Amersham, contact us at 01494432088 or email us at info@fitclubamersham.co.uk to find out more. You can also take a look at our Google Business Profile for reviews